Minnesota at the Kentucky Derby

Minnesota at the Kentucky Derby

Did you know one of the most tearjerking moments in Kentucky Derby history has a Minnesota connection? 

The Genters

Frances met Harold Genter while they were students at the University of Minnesota and they were married in 1919. Her husband developed the pop-up toaster and was an executive at the Toastmaster company.

In 1938, the young family went on a Florida vacation and while they were on the long drive back to Minnesota, they made a stop so the couple could go to the Kentucky Derby. Frances was mesmerized and Harold was hooked. They bought their first horse in 1940 and got involved in breeding thoroughbreds. Soon, they had stables in Florida and Kentucky that they managed from their home in Bloomington, Minnesota. 

They started to see success after success: 

In 1951, Rough’n Tumble won at Santa Anita

1959, My Dear Girl, was the champion 2-year-old filly 

In Reality, won the Florida Derby in 1967

Superbity, was the 1980 Flamingo Stakes winner

Harold Genter passed in 1981, but Frances kept competing.

Dr. Carter, was a favorite for the Kentucky Derby in ’84 but scratched because of illness

Smile was the Breeder’s Cup Sprint winner for 1986.

In 1990, Unbridled made it to the Kentucky Derby. 

By this time, Frances (aged 92) didn’t have great eyesight. She was petite and her view of the track was blocked. She also couldn’t see the TVs in the box. So her trainer, Carl Nafzger, yelled a play by play of Unbridled’s progress. She couldn’t see the race happening, but the joy and tears on her face show just how deeply she felt it. 

After the win, Nafzger bolted to the field to hold back the officials, making sure that they didn’t pass the trophy or take photos until Frances was there. They loaded Frances  into a wheelchair and ran her out to the Winner’s Circle to celebrate. 

One of the most successful owners in history, Frances died two years later  - but her legacy lives on. 

Unbridled’s legacy does too. His list of offspring includes several Kentucky Derby Champions: 

In fact, Genter horses are so common at the Derby that in 2023, Angel of Empire is the 5th straight horse in a row from Unbridled’s line to compete at the Derby. I know who I’m cheering for! 

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Minneapolis Athenaeum

Minneapolis Athenaeum